Kids News - Ocean Plastic Articles

Plastiki Test Sails in San Francisco Bay

Earlier this week, some lucky San Franciscans got to witness a historic event - The test sail of Plastiki, a 60-ft. Catamaran, built almost entirely out of plastic bottle...

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China's Incredible Future Floating Village

Imagine a world where everything is floating - One where instead of stepping on firm ground, you swim or sail out? Believe it or not, that's exactly what the residents of...

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Harnessing Electricity From Thin Air

One of the positive side effects of global warming has been that we are all racking our brains on how to turn it around - whether it be by recycling plastic waste or figu...

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'Plastiki' Gets Ready To Set Sail

San Francisco's popular Pier 31 is bustling with excitement this month - and it's not the sea lions causing the buzz, but a group of amazing youngsters who are building P...

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Turtle Turns Photographer

When Dick De Bruin lost his camera in the waters of Aruba, he would have never in his wildest dreams believed that he would not only get it back one day, but that it cont...

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A Ball That Bounces In Water

Tired of all your summer toys? Here's a new one that might perk up your interest - a ball that bounces in water. Known as the Waboba Ball, it has become this year's must-...

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